Sunday, August 8, 1:35 pm
My first book, Ten Days With Dad, was published on March 13, 2022, the day I turned fifty years old. Yes, I selected the date intentionally. It was a birthday gift for myself and it's a day that I will likely never forget.
At least not intentionally.
Less than a year and a half later, my second book is published. I can't express my gratitude enough to Alan Rubel and Mike Tenaglia, my co-authors and fellow caregiving guys, for inviting me to be part of this team, this vision, and this book project.
Despite knowing the plan—to write many more books, both nonfiction and fiction—I don't believe I will get used to seeing the cover of my book on Amazon or seeing the first 5-star review posted below it. It's a humbling feeling but also an energizing one. In one form or another, I've always made writing a central part of my life, yet it took a life-altering event (my dad's Alzheimer's diagnosis) to take my writing passion to the next level. Holding copies of my published books, well, that does much more than validate my belief that it's never too late—or early—to pursue your passion. It validates my purpose.

None of us have just one purpose in life. We have many. I can't tell you what yours is—I'm not sure anybody really can. Sometimes you just know what it is, either by chance, circumstance, luck, good fortune—and yes, sometimes by experiencing failure and tragedy.
But it's what you do with that purpose that matters.
As you'll discover in The Greatest Burden The Greatest Blessing, some of our authors found purpose through caregiving. Vicki Langevin's story begins on page 165. In her own words:
Though I once scoffed at the thought of caring for anyone—let alone my dad—it is now my purpose and passion. I can’t imagine my life without serving as a caregiver.

A reader posted this review on Amazon:
There are so many beautiful stories of unconditional & selfless love in the most difficult & tragic circumstances. Truly an inspiring read and a subject that touches us all in some way - whether you are a caregiver yourself or you know someone who is providing this gift to someone else. A tribute to the unsung heroes among us who give so much of themselves.
The irony with caregiving is that the days are often long, slow, and hard, but life itself moves faster. Hours become weeks, weeks become months, and sometimes, months become years. It's a grind in every sense of the word.
It's also one of life's greatest blessings.